Short History


The association originally operated as Countryside Missions, an association founded in the United States that organized missions to help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and make disciples through various educational and mentoring initiatives./p>

The Association has managed to bring together, over the years, hundreds of young people to serve in disadvantaged areas in the country and abroad, including Oltenia, Dobrogea, Bulgaria, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, Turkey, and Albania.

Scurt Istoric 1994
Scurt Istoric 2010


In May, the first Annual Academic Conference of the Griffiths School of Management (GSMAC) takes place. The title of the conference is “The crisis – an incentive for innovation”. On May 15th, the first QuoVadis conference takes place, a career-orientation training for high school students.

The first iStart Business Plan competition is organized to support and accelerate entrepreneurship and creativity. The competition is organized in collaboration with the Griffiths School of Management and IT at Emanuel University of Oradea.


On May 6th, the second edition of the GSMAC conference takes place with the title “The time of change: preparing for the comeback”.

The first Business Days conference is held in November. Griffiths School of Management professors are invited as speakers, and students are part of the team of organizers as volunteers.

On June 3rd, the second iStart Business Plan competition takes place.

Scurt Istoric 2011
Scurt Istoric 2012


Cityside Education Association is officially registered and continues the collaboration with the Griffiths School of Management and IT of Emanuel University of Oradea and with the Advanced Solutions company.

On May 17th, the third edition of the GSMAC Conference takes place with the title “Romania’s place in the Global Economy”.

On June 1st, the third edition of the iStart Business Plan Competition takes place.


The Informal School of IT is founded, the largest platform in Romania that brings together top professionals in the industry and talented people, driven by the desire to develop their unique IT skills. Cityside Education Association, through Sebastian Văduva, together with several partners from Cluj-Napoca, founded the School.

Annual events continue:

April 13th – Business Days – Timișoara

April 24th – QuoVadis – Career-guidance Training

May 21st – GSMAC Conference – “Developing entrepreneurship and creativity in the Romanian business environment”

June 3rd – iStart Business Plan Competition

September 25th-26th– Cluj-Napoca – Business Days

December 10th-11th– Business Days – Bucharest

Scurt Istoric 2013
Scurt Istoric 2014


Este organizat primul schimb de experiență la Osnabrück Germania. Studenții în anul 2 ai Facultății de Management și IT Griffiths din cadrul Universității Emanuel din Oradea intră, timp de două săptămâni, în acest proiect de studiere a culturii antreprenorial-sociale germane în cadrul organizațiilor non-profit din Osnabrück.  Evenimentul continuă de atunci în fiecare an.

The first international experience exchange is organized in Osnabrück Germany. Griffiths School of Management and IT 2nd year students at Emanuel University of Oradea take part, for two weeks, in this project of studying the German entrepreneurial-social culture within the non-profit organizations in Osnabrück. The event takes place every year since then.

In November, Cityside Education Association is involved in organizing the Integrity Summit for Prosperity, an event held with the aim of promoting integrity as a key element of success in the development of the public and private business fields. The event is organized by Transparency International Romania, Rotary Club, Emanuel University of Oradea, and Cityside Education Association. It takes place annually in several cities in Romania, namely Bucharest, Bistriţa, Timișoara, Zalău, Sibiu and Arad.

Annual events continue:

April 3rd – Business Days – Timișoara

April 10-12– QuoVadis – Career Guidance Training

May 15th – GSMAC Conference – “The Ethics of Business and Leadership in a Transdisciplinary Context”

June 5th – iStart Business Plan Competition

July 9th-10th– Business Days – Cluj-Napoca

November 20th – Integrity Summit for Prosperity – Bucharest

November 27th – Integrity Summit for Prosperity – Bistrița


Masterclasses are organized, dedicated to students in the master’s program at Griffiths School of Management and IT and open to the public. The lectures are organized several times a year and are held by both local and foreign experienced businesspeople.

October 14-21, the first Pastoral Conference is organized by Emanuel University of Oradea, in collaboration with Cityside Education Association, dedicated to the pastors and ministers of the Evangelical Churches in Romania and the diaspora.

Annual events continue:

January 22nd-23rd– Oradea – Integrity Summit for Prosperity

April 26th-28th– QuoVadis – Career Guidance Training

April 22nd – Timișoara – Integrity Summit for Prosperity

May 7th – GSMAC Conference – “Development, Financing and Growth of Organizations”

May 8th – iStart Business Plan Competition

October 7th– Zalău – Integrity Summit for Prosperity

December 8th-9th– Business Days – Bucharest

December 11th-12th– MASTERCLASS – Adrian Cioroianu – “Marketing Management in IT – Products, Sales, Development”

December 11th-12th– MASTERCLASS – Leadership & Management with Mario Brühlman

Scurt Istoric 2015
Scurt Istoric 2016


Annual events continue:

March 3rd – iStart Business Plan Competition

March 15th – Integrity Summit for Prosperity – Arad

March 15th – QuoVadis – Career Guidance Training – Arad

March 18th-19th – MASTERCLASS – Jason Fisher – “The Internet Economy in a Digital Society”

April 21st-22nd– QuoVadis – Career Guidance training

May 12th – GSMAC Conference – “Talent Development, Organization Growth and Creating a Future”

June 16th – Business Days – Iași

September 16th – MASTERCLASS – Adrian Ziderman “Ethical Issues in Academic Publishing”

October 5th– Integrity Summit for Prosperity – Târgu Mureș

October 19th-20th– Business Days – Bucharest

October 29th – MASTERCLASS – Dr. Varujan Pambuccian – “Internet Economy 1”

November 25th – Integrity Summit for Prosperity – Brașov

December 7th – Integrity Summit for Prosperity – Informatics Caravan – Bistrița

December 9th– Integrity Summit for Prosperity – Bucharest

December 15th – Business Days – Cluj-Napoca


On September 22nd, the first Romanian Academic Network event is organized. Romanian Academic Network is the group of evangelical, PhD students, researchers, or teachers, working in the academic field in Romania. This group focuses on what we believe to be the most influential institution in the world today: the university. It is an urgency for the evangelical movement in Europe to develop teachers and researchers who will become experts in their field studied, to demonstrate academic excellence, to have a Christian perspective on life and unreservedly be dedicated to serving God in educational settings.

Annual events continue:

April 21st – MASTERCLASS – Dr. Varujan Pambuccian – “The Economy of the Internet 2”

April 20th – iStart Business Plan Competition

April 20th-22nd– QuoVadis – Career guidance Training

April 27th – Business Days – Oradea

April 29th – Easter Concert “The Passion and Resurrection of the Lord”

May 11th– GSMAC Conference – “Well-being of civil, economic and social society”

July 6th – Cluj-Napoca – Business Days

October 17th – MASTERCLASS – Dr. Robert Hisrich – “Entrepreneurship in Tech”

October 25th-26th– Oradea Leadership Breakfast

Scurt Istoric 2017
Scurt Istoric 2018


On January 29th, the project “Harmonies for children in palliative care” is launched. This project aims to put music therapy into practice. Teachers and students of the music department of Emanuel University of Oradea work with children suffering from progressive chronic diseases; therapy is focused on reducing anxiety and fear, as well as improving the quality of life.

Annual events continue:

April 13th – MASTERCLASS – “Marketing and Online Sales: How to Digitize Business”

April 20th-22nd– QuoVadis – Career Guidance Training

May 10th-11th– GSMAC Conference – “Entrepreneurship and Business Ethics: The Future and Benefits of Romanian Informatics”

July 4th – Business Days – Cluj-Napoca