The Griffiths Journal of Ethics, Entreprenuership and technology
The 21st century is, and will continue to be an age of knowledge, while information will be the global currency through which value is created. Regardless of all its shortcomings, the western style educational system, underpinned by a Judeo-Christian ideology, is still the best instrument for human progress and talent development. Central to this education system is the peer reviewed academic journal which provide theoreticians and practitioners alike with an outlet for their discoveries. It further fosters communities of discoveries, while stimulating rigorous debate and objective research for the betterment of the global society.
In the 2019/2020 academic year, The Griffiths School of Management and IT within Emanuel University of Oradea in collaboration with Cityside Education would like to launch its own peer reviewed academic journal on the topics of ethics, entrepreneurship and technology. It is our belief that these areas will be essential platforms of debate in the upcoming age, particularly for the international, values-driven community. The prestigious international platform Emerald publishing has agreed to partner with us in this quest, giving a voice to value-driven academic scholars through the world. Would would please join this community?
The first volume of the journal can be accessed on Emerald.